Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Symbolism in Hindu Rituals and Worship

Symbolic Significance of Puja Items
All items related to the rituals of worship or worship are coded significantly.
The statue or figure of the goddess, called 'Vigraha' (Sanskrit: vi '+ graha), is not one of the wrong effects of the planets or' grahas'. The flower we gave to the gods stand for the good of us. The effect of identifying our detachment, self-sacrifice and surrender is to integrate all the desires we have in life. We reflect light in the light of light, which is soul. Onion or red powder refers to our feelings.

The Lotus

The flowers for the Hindus are sacred, the beautiful lotus is a sign of the real soul of an individual. It blossoms in the  turbid  water, still rising, at the point of enlightenment. In mythology, the lotus is a symbol of creation, because Brahma came from Lotus from the cradle of Creator Vishnu.
It is known as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) India's Hindu right-wing political party, meditation, tribal status like yoga and the national flower of India and Bangladesh.

The Purnakumbha

An earthen pot  known as 'Purnakumbha' - is filled with water, fresh mango leaves and a coconut, usually before the puja, is placed as the main deity or deity.

Purna meaning a full pitcher (Sanskrit: 'purna' = full, 'kumba' = pot). The mother of the pot, the life of the water, the life of the leaves and the coconut symbolizes divine consciousness. Usually in all religious rituals, it is commonly known as 'Kalashha', the goddess of Lakshmi.

Fruits & Leaves

The water in Purnakumbha and coconut is from the time  of worship of the Bible. Coconut (Sanskrit: Sriphala = God's fruit) is used as a symbol of 'God' alone. A coconut is always accompanied by coconut and flowers, although worshiping any god. Other natural products such as bronze leaf, areca-nut or cuttle-nut, straw leaf and leaf of 'beel' or bilva tree.

Naivedya or Prasad

Prasad' is a Hindu ritual worship or a meal offered to God for the prayer. This is our ignorance ('avidya') we offer the deity in the puja. Food is symbolically of our ignorance, which we place before God in spiritual wisdom. After he breathes a new life into our bodies after he suffuses it with the knowledge and light, it makes us divine. When we share prasad with others, we share the knowledge we have with fellow humans.

About TMpooja:
Whenever you search for Pooja items near me, you will get the result of TM Pooja who is a leader in pooja items. Get more details about Puja samagri shop near me.


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