Pradakshina means circumambulation.
Circumambulation means going in a clockwise direction, particularly in the
northern hemisphere.
One could imagine extending ones right hand to the devata and
holding Her while one does Pradakshina.
A question arises -
why right hand, why not the left hand.
Why Pradakshina ?
The earth revolves around its axis counter-clockwise.
Same with earth going around the sun. The moon also
goes around the earth in a counter-clockwise direction.
All these are manifestations of the Creator.
Through them, the Creator's direction is counter-clockwise.
To meet the Creator, one goes clockwise.
Namaskara is the act of falling flat on the
Like Pradakshina, Namaskara is an act of worship.
In South India, it is common to do Namaskara in temples, at
home shrines and to elders.
One might have heard of Saashtaanga Namaskara.
Sa-Ashta-Anga Namaskara -
namaskara with eight parts.
One view of the eight parts are Shoulders
* Feet
* Knees
* Chest
* Head
* Eyes
* Mind
* Speech
The last two imply being totally immersed in the act.
"Giving 100%" to the physical action.The other six
are body parts meant to touch the floor while doing Namaskara.
There is also Panchanga Namaskara - the five part namaskara.
The Chest, Feet and Eyes from the list above is removed to
make it Panchanga Namaskara.
Males do Ashtanga Namaskara.
Females do Panchanga Namaskara.
We should do
Pradkshina on slow-pace(Without any hurry), fixing the mind on Lord.
Absent minded and fast paced Pradakshinas doesnt yield any
punya pala
We become free from the troubles of our own past sins by
doing pradakshina to Lord as often as possilbe.
ont do Namaskara
directly in front of Sannidhana nor at the back side; nor on the left side of
Lord, also very near to the deity and never inside the Garbha-Griha.
Do Namaskara, Japa and Homa on the right side of the
Sannidhana and outside the Garbha Griha.
The number of Namaskaras should be in multiples of four.
Uniqueness checking: 100%
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